- 输送和物流
叉车,物料搬运,自动导引车,桥式起重机 - 电动车辆
电动车,商用车,电动船舶,高空作业平台,扫地机/洗地机,地勤支持设备 - 农业和建筑机械
农业和建筑机械,建筑起升机,起升辅助工具 - 可再生能源
生物燃料供暖系统,风力发电 - 工业和机械/设备制造
汽车安全和检测技术,纺织机械,建筑服务,医疗技术,机床,真空泵和空压机,其他应用 - 定制化解决方案
ABM Greiffenberger Antriebstechnik GmbH
Mr Maxim Frank
Friedenfelser Straße 24
95615 Marktredwitz | 德国
电话: +49 9231 67-6151 发送邮件
We are looking for enthusiastic
mechanical engineering students (m/f/d)
who want to use the following R&D topic for their thesis work or as part of a traineeship:
Competitor analysis for helical bevel gearboxes
There is a large number of gearboxes of this type on the market. The objective of the work is to develop a sustainable concept that covers the most common interfaces. The load capacity of a gearbox is usually limited by the teeth, shafts and bearings. The load capacity limits are indicated by the appearance of pits and broken teeth. Recent research results (FVA) should be incorporated here (e.g. noise-optimised teeth etc.).
The work entails the following tasks:
> Competitor analysis (some documents available)
> Development of a consistent modular concept with specification of teeth, bearings, shafts etc. using a gear unit size, e.g. T2 = 250 Nm
> Draft concept
> Specification of any required investments (tools/machines or purchase)
> Cost analysis
> High level of initiative and motivation to meet the challenge
Deployment period:
> Preferably 5 months, starting as soon as possible
Deployment location:
> Marktredwitz, Germany
We are looking for enthusiastic
electrical engineering students (m/f/d)
who want to use one of the following R&D topics for their thesis work or as part of a traineeship:
Investigation of the influence of the shaft of an AC induction motor on the field distribution
Optimization of the lamination geometry in an AC induction motor for improvement of the efficiency
> High level of initiative and motivation to meet the challenge
Deployment period:
> Preferably 5 months, starting as soon as possible
Deployment location:
> Marktredwitz, Germany
ABM Greiffenberger Antriebstechnik GmbH
Mr Maxim Frank
Friedenfelser Straße 24 | 95615 Marktredwitz | Germany
Phone: +49 9231 67-6151 Send an email
We are looking for enthusiastic
industrial engineering / business administration / mechanical engineering or mechatronics students (m/f/d)
who want to use the following topic in the area of electric motor & gearbox sales for their thesis work or as part of a traineeship:
Market research:
Industry market / target group analysis for the international drive technology area
Focus is on the following selected industries such as intralogistics, warehouse logistics, textile machines, compressors, vacuum pumps and motion automation as drive technology is used here in relatively large numbers.
The work entails the following tasks:
Research of global markets for the individual industries with regard to the following:
> Market size / market volume
> Customer segmentation / customer categorization
> Product range for drive technology used
> Competitor survey
> Access criteria and barriers
> Assessment of potential and opportunities
> High level of initiative, creativity and motivation to master the task
Deployment period:
> Preferably 5 months, starting as soon as possible
Deployment location:
> Marktredwitz, Germany
ABM Greiffenberger Antriebstechnik GmbH
Mr Maxim Frank
Friedenfelser Straße 24 | 95615 Marktredwitz | Germany
We are looking for enthusiastic
industrial engineering / business administration students (m/f/d)
who want to use the following topic in the area of strategic purchasing for their thesis work or as part of a traineeship:
Value/cost analysis for critical purchased parts The work entails the following tasks:
> Determination of actual/target functions
> Identification of cost drivers
> Development and assessment of problem-solving ideas / cost-reducing measures
> Prioritization of measures
> Participation in implementation
> High level of initiative and motivation to meet the challenge
Deployment period:
> Preferably 1–2 months, starting as soon as possible
Deployment location:
> Marktredwitz, Germany
ABM Greiffenberger Antriebstechnik GmbH
Mr Maxim Frank
Friedenfelser Straße 24 | 95615 Marktredwitz | Germany