- 输送和物流
叉车,物料搬运,自动导引车,桥式起重机 - 电动车辆
电动车,商用车,电动船舶,高空作业平台,扫地机/洗地机,地勤支持设备 - 农业和建筑机械
农业和建筑机械,建筑起升机,起升辅助工具 - 可再生能源
生物燃料供暖系统,风力发电 - 工业和机械/设备制造
汽车安全和检测技术,纺织机械,建筑服务,医疗技术,机床,真空泵和空压机,其他应用 - 定制化解决方案
Our long-term goal is to be the world's leading supplier of application and customer-specific drives in the material handling, electro mobility, lifting technology, renewable energy and general industrial applications sectors.
To achieve this, we are strategically aligning our company with a focus on
> Growth and stability
> Customer satisfaction
> Sustainability and environmental protection
> Energy efficiency and resource conservation, as well as
> Occupational health and safety.
We develop reliable, energy-efficient products that are characterized by high performance, low noise emissions, maximum dynamics, superior controllability and small installation dimensions combined with competitive cost-effectiveness.
To continuously improve the quality, environmental compatibility and energy efficiency of our products and processes, we set strategic and operational goals and provide the necessary information and resources to achieve them.
The satisfaction and health of our employees is very important to us. We promote their further development and take preventive measures to ensure that workplaces and work processes are ergonomic and safe.
We are committed to complying with the senata Group's Code of Conduct, which focuses, among other things, on honesty and fairness, a trusting and cooperative working environment, the fulfillment of binding obligations, the protection of the environment for present and future generations, equal opportunities, and the avoidance of discrimination and corruption.
We also require our business partners to act responsibly to uphold social, environmental and ethnic due diligence obligations. When procuring products and services, we pay attention to their energy efficiency and environmental compatibility.
We deal sustainably with the resources available to us. We reduce the impact of our company on the environment as far as possible, e.g. through our waste and hazardous materials management. By taking measures to reduce our CO2 footprint, we also make our contribution to climate protection.
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